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The Soul’s Journey: A Divine Voyage Within

Writer: Tamara Trotman-SimonTamara Trotman-Simon

Hello My Beautiful Soul! Thank you for being here. I wanted to begin with this subject as I believe it is the foundation for everything else that will be discussed in blogs to follow. Hope you find nuggets of truth and value that feeds you to the core of your being.

Before you came into this body, you decided that once on earth, you would gather information, through a variety of experiences to determine what you like from what you don’t to deliberately create a life that was both delicious and extremely satisfying.  One free from limitation, and only led to expansion. Upon entering this physical form, you call the body, and moving through life, you acquired a backpack, so to speak, assigned to you by society, and as you continued along your path, have gathered thoughts, beliefs, opinions, teachings, expectations and other ways of being, both that served you and not.

"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within." - Maya Angelou

At some point, this bag become too heavy, and burdensome to carry, and therefore, decide to put it down.  This bag no longer feels good and therefore, something must change.  You open it and begin to examine it's contents.  You realize what no longer works and remove each item, continuously doing as you move through your experience, until at some point what remains is just the bag.  There comes a time when you understand that you no longer even need the bag and letting it go completely frees you from your attachment to it. The path then becomes effortless and satisfying. As Abraham Hicks says, “It is only ever about the journey, and being happy step by step, moment by moment.”  You finally come to the realization that the path is not about acquiring anything to prove worthiness, but about being who one really is all along the way.

"There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. Oh traveler, if you are in search of that, don't look outside, look inside yourself and seek that." - Rumi

The focus shifts from the external world to the internal, and is only about the Soul experience.   We are all seeking something. What is it? In the day to day living of life, and in observing diversity, feel a calling. to something far greater than ourselves. The experiences vary and the process is unique to each of us. My question is. What is it that we are all seeking? What is it that calls to the depths of our being? Answer. A connection to the divine part of ourselves. A relationship with our higher self and ultimately, Source, or the God.  Some people spend their entire life seeking it, others travel great distances to find it, but all you really have to do is quiet your mind, connect, and discover not only your brilliance, but unconditional love, joy and empowerment. Here are Eight things You can do to accomplish this:

Four Ways To Connect with The Divine Presence Within:

  1. Daily Meditation: It is a well-known fact that meditating on a daily basis creates a clear, quieted mind free from resistance, which allows for one to hear the whispers from within. Make this a regular practice and the whispers become visions, ideas, impulses to do things, or passionate urges which propel you forward in eager anticipation for the new life you know is coming.

  2. Alignment: Notice the thoughts you’re thinking. Are you seeing yourself and the world in the same way as Soul and Source do? You will know by how it feels. If you think a thought and it does not feel good, it means there is a disparity between what you are thinking, and what the non-physical part of you knows about you. If you think a thought and it feels really good to you, you are in complete harmony with Source. Continually think these feel-good thoughts and they become a new believe. Continue to do this, and you create a new perspective. Then something magical happens. Your outer world begins to shift and change to match your inner!

  3. Presence: As the energy flows, so does life, and Law of Attraction matches it. The faster the energy moves, the fuller life becomes which can feel overwhelming, so bringing yourself back to the "present moment" or "now" is powerful. Feelings of overwhelm simply means your are allowing more than you're ready for. You can easily do this by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath, your heart beat, or tuning in to "feel" the comforting feeling of well-being , or Source. When you do this consistently, you come to know that "all really is well" and peace then dominates."

  4. Care About How You Feel: Connecting with and feeling your emotions to move yourself into a better feeling place. It's okay to feel what you're feeling for your emotions are powerful guidance in that they are indications of how well you're doing in relationship with the non-physical part of you. Deciding not to stay in negative emotions like jealousy, frustration, anger, resentment, or fear for too long is equally important for aligning with Higher Self is key. Feel what you're feeling, then intentionally shift up the emotional scale to better feeling emotions like hope, joy, excitement, exhilaration, satisfaction and love more of the time. Why is this important? Your emotion are indicators of your alignment with Source and Soul and the better you feel the higher your vibration. The higher the vibration, the clearer you receive, and therefore, follow your guidance. We are all vibrational beings who are interpreters of vibration into sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, emotions, blocks of thought, and visions. We are having Soulful experiences in a physical world.

This path that we have embarked on as spiritual beings is an incredible one in that it is ours and ours alone to walk. We have the freedom to choose and decide what we will experience every step of the way. Life lived will naturally lead to our expansion and create a calling of new experiences. The question then becomes, what are we allowing ourselves to experience? Ease, flow and joy, or resistance, struggle and pain? It is up to us. As we are always creating our reality in the now, which of the above items are you willing to implement into your daily practice now , and why? Please share below. I would love to hear all about it.

My wish for you is that you connect deeply with your Soul, align consistently with Source and understand for yourself, how truly amazing You, life, and this journey really is.






Quote From My New Book Mamas Gotta Grow!
"Conscious expansion is the loving awareness that one is continually giving birth to a new version self, thus, allowing the eternalness of who one really is - joyfully". - Tamara Trotman 

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© 2021 by Tamara Trotman. All Rights Reserved. 

Created With Love By Gallant Avenue.





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